Keynotes, workshops, excursions...
The 2024 Higher Education Summit offers an exciting three-day program including keynotes, workshops, network corners, paper presentations, teaching and learning labs, excursions as well as social events.
You can download the program as pdf-file or view the latest live version in Canva.
In addition, you can download the book of abstracts with all submitted contributions.
If you have registered for an excursion/guided tour, please see more information below!
If you have signed up for a guided tour, here is more information on the time slots and meeting points:
- Time slots: 8 September, 16.00-16.45 | 8 September, 16.45-17.30
- Meeting point: Orto Botanico main entrance: Via Orto Botanico, 15
The entrance is at the corner of Via Orto Botanico and Via Donatello. There should be bike racks at the entrance. - Although the tour will be mainly indoors, we advise you to bring an umbrella, as there is a high chance of rain on Sunday.
AGRIPOLIS TOUR | 9 September
- Time slot: 9 September, 17.20-19.30
- Our destination is the Agripolis Campus of Padova, a short bus ride from the Padova city center.
- Meeting point: Ex Foro Boario, Prato della Valle
Look for Despar Supermarket as your landmark.
Those coming directly from the sessions at Palazzo Bo should gather at the Cortile Antico (within Palazzo Bo) at 16.10. From there, we will walk approximately 20 minutes to the meeting point. - Transportation:
Two buses will be provided to take participants to the Agripolis Campus.
- After the tour, one bus will take those who signed up for the social dinner to Corte Benedettina (the dinner venue), while the other bus will take the rest back to the same meeting point in Padova.
- Those who signed up for the social dinner but not for the Agripolis Campus tour are encouraged to join us on the bus on the way there. Otherwise, you might need to seek your own transport options.
PALAZZO BO TOURS | 9 & 10 September
- Time slots: 9 September, 11.30-12.30 | 9 September, 15.30-16.30 | 10 September, 11.30-12.30
- Meeting point: Information desk in front of Aula Nievo, Palazzo Bo
- Unfortunately, the fourth tour had to be canceled, so we had to distribute those who signed up to the other tour groups.
In case you have any concerns or questions regarding your tour schedule, you may direct them to the event organizers at the registration desk.
The 2024 HIGHER EDUCATION SUMMIT is organized by
the University of Padua and the COPERNICUS Alliance.
If you have any questions, please contact: